New Orleans, LA
Sugar Roots Farm
Fall 2021, Emilie Taylor Welty, Jose Cotto, studio team
Design-Build Studio

This studio included both the design and build of a kitchen/classroom pavilion for Sugar Roots Farm, a teaching farm and non profit located in Algiers. As a studio, we split into teams, each group tackling a different portion of the project. As a part of the signage + screen team, we designed signage for the entire site that seeks to highlight both the magical landscape of the swamp as well as the cyclical routines of the farm, while also appealing to the farm’s main audience - children. Our team settled on a set of icons that are repeatedly seen within the pavilion and on signs around the farm, as an educational and aesthetic tool. The rope screen design was inspired by an earlier design-build project, Pharmacia, and seeks to blend the structure into the surrounding landscape through the eventual vertical growth of jasmine, as well as frame a tactile, warm entry space and observation deck.